
Your Concern More about bruxism Bruxism is the involuntary clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth. About half of the population does it from time to time. Around 5% of the population are regular, forceful tooth grinders. Often it happens during sleep, but some people...

Your Concern More about hairloss Everyone, male or female, loses hair. We are all born with a certain number of hair follicles, and no matter what we do throughout our lives we never grow any more follicles than we were born with. As stated by...

Your Concern What are spider veins? Varicose and spider veins are damaged veins. We develop them when tiny, one-way valves inside the veins weaken. In healthy veins, these valves push blood in one direction — back to our heart. When these valves weaken, some blood...

Your Concern About hyperhidrosis Most people sweat when they exercise or the weather is hot. But some people sweat far more than this. Hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating – can be a devastating condition that has a huge impact on quality of life, and even prevent...

Your Concern About submental fat A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common occurrence that happens when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to have excess weight...

Your Concern What are stretch marks? Stretch marks, or scars that happen when your skin rapidly stretches or shrinks, typically show up as bands of lines running across your skin. Stretch marks are very common — estimates suggest up to 90 percent of people have them. They...

Your Concern Condition: skin laxity Excess skin is a common aesthetic concern among men and women. Factors such as excessive weight loss, pregnancy or genetics are usually the underlying reasons for this problem, which usually does not respond to even rigorous diet and exercises. The...

Your Concern What is cellulite? Cellulite is a very common, and completely harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks, arms and abdomen. The condition is most prevalent in women. You can see mild cellulite only if you pinch your...

Skin condition Condition: Rosacea Rosacea, or acne rosacea, is a non-contagious skin inflammation that exclusively affects the face. The small surface blood vessels (capillaries) of the skin enlarge, giving the appearance of a permanent flush. The forehead, cheeks and chin may develop yellow-headed pimples. Unlike acne,...

Skin condition Condition: Photo ageing While sunning yourself might give your skin a vibrant, golden glow, these short-term benefits can backfire in the long run. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in ordinary sunlight can do a number on your skin’s appearance. UVR damages collagen and...